Webinars This Week: Oct 6, 7, 8

This Fall the CSCAA is hosting weekly webinars and town halls. This week’s sessions are available to all CSCAA Member coaches and advanced registration is required. Thursday’s Division I Town Hall will be available to all Division I coaches.

All Talks start at Noon EST

Tuesday 10.6: Gary Hall Master Class - Starts

  • Dr. Gary Hall tutors us through intense video analysis on multiple start options. Is there a single style that should be used, or should you refine your start based on body type and weight distribution? Weight forward or back? What launch angle should you use? The success of Race Club athletes around the world have benefited from Gary Hall’s science based approach to breaking down each component of a start and measuring the effect of each change in components - all with the aim of maximizing explosiveness and efficiency through the entire start.

Wednesday 10.7: Relationships Between Mindfulness, Resilience, & Motivation, with Aaron D’Addario (Denver)

  • PhD student and Denver Diving Coach Aaron D’Addario is a doctoral student in Sport Psych at FSU. His research investigates the relationships between trait mindfulness, self-compassion, resilience, and intrinsic motivation. We will learn what Mindfulness is and how the relationship between reliance and motivation is foundational to achieving success in mind and body.

Thursday 10.8: Division 1 Town Hall - an open forum on Division 1 topics of the day, including NCAA updates, operating budget analyses, as-risk programs facing cancellation, and hopeful tips on how to make your program as elimination proof as possible.

Register Here!

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